明安心法农业 七不小黄姜
但存方寸地 留与子孙耕

小叶宝宝发高烧(马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever Case (Malaysia)

小叶宝宝高烧 (马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever  (Malaysia  case)

Pertubuhan C.C.H. Yuan Shi Dian Malaysia (C.C.H. Yuan Shi Dian Malaysia Organisation) Website: http://malaysia.cchysd.org/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/cchysdmalaysia/ Latest FB post https://www.facebook.com/cchysdmalays... Thanks to YSD participants for their experience sharing. Hoping that the public will benefit from this case study.
2018年8月19日的中午12点, 我带着7个月大的宝宝到游泳池玩水。 之后我用冷水替宝宝洗澡。 洗完澡以后, 我便让宝宝晒太阳。 结果回到家里, 发现宝宝开始发烧高达38.4度。
我的宝宝是胎里素, 而且也是原始点宝宝, 因为在我怀宝宝期间, 我每天都落实原始点的操作方法 如喝姜汤、睡电热毯、按推等。 这次是宝宝第一次生病。 由于我和先生都有学习原始点, 也曾经是马来西亚张钊汉原始点推广中心的志工, 所以便决定用原始点的方法来替宝宝处理。 我们没有去看西医, 也没有让宝宝吃西药。 邻居的阿姨还不断地劝我的家婆 要带宝宝去看西医以免会烧坏脑。
庆幸的是家婆没有反对我们 我们用原始点的方法替宝宝处理。 其实在宝宝发高烧前, 我已经开始每天都用大约20 - 30克的干姜片熬煮姜汤给宝宝喝。 我会用奶瓶或汤匙来喂宝宝喝姜汤, 每一次喝20 – 30 毫升 (ml)。 宝宝不但没抗拒, 还喝得津津有味, 一点都不怕辣。 我偶尔也让宝宝喝少许的参汤。 宝宝睡摇篮时, 我把热贴贴在他的身上, 若睡在床上, 就让宝宝睡电热毯, 不间断地替宝宝温敷。 其实宝宝从出世之后, 就已是每天晚上睡在电热毯上。 温敷后, 宝宝流了一身的汗, 我便帮宝宝换衣服, 确保他不会着凉。 宝宝好乖,生病也没哭闹, 乖乖地休息。 我替宝宝按推全身, 每当按到痛点时,他还会哭叫, 而且还会闪开、踢腿。 虽然探热针显示宝宝发高烧达38.4度, 但是用原始点方法处理的过程中, 宝宝的精神和体力都非常好, 还可以和爸爸玩得不亦乐乎, 完全不像个生病的宝宝。
隔了一天,宝宝就完全退烧了。 经过这次的经验, 我深深体会到, 生病时会消耗更多热能。 即便是发高烧, 还是要不断地补充足够的热源来改善热能不足, 让身体进行自我修复。
最重要的是父母要对原始点的理论有一定的理解, 深信不疑并且积极落实。 希望宝宝的这个案例 能够鼓励更多父母学习原始点,当宝宝生病时, 不要恐慌, 我们可以用最简单, 最有效的原始点方法来替孩子处理。
On August 19, 2018 at 12 noon, I took my 7-month-old baby to the swimming pool. Later, I showered him with cold water. After the shower, I let my baby basking under the sun. Upon reaching home, I found that my baby started to have high fever up to 38.4 degree Celsius My baby was born from a vegetarianism pregnancy. He was a "Yuan Shi Dian baby" as well because during my pregnancy, I implemented Yuan Shi Dian methods everyday, such as drinking ginger soup, sleeping on electric blankets, Antui and so forth. This was the first time my baby got sick. My husband and I have learned Yuan Shi Dian. We used to be the volunteers of C.C.H. Yuan Shi Dian Malaysia Organisation. So, we decided to use the Yuan Shi Dian methods to treat our baby. We didn't seek for Western medicine treatment and our baby didn't take any Western medicine. My neighbour continued to persuade my mother-in-law to seek Western medicine treatment to avoid damage of the baby's brain. Fortunately, my mother-in-law has no objection for us to apply the Yuan Shi Dian methods to treat our baby. In fact, before my baby having high fever, I have started to boil ginger soup using about 20-30 grams of dried ginger slices every day and let my baby drank it. I would use the milk bottle or spoon to feed my baby with ginger soup and each feeding was about 20 – 30 ml. My baby did not resist in fact love it and not afraid of spicy either. Occasionally, I let my baby drank a little ginseng soup. When my baby sleeps in the cradle, I will place the heat pack on him. If sleeping on the bed, I will let him sleep on electric blanket to continuously Wenfu for him. In fact, ever since the baby was born, he has been sleeping on the electric blanket every night. After Wenfu, my baby will perspire, I will then change his clothes to ensure that he will not catch cold. Such a good baby. He did not cry even though he was sick, He rested well. I Antui his entire body, he would cry whenever we happened to Antui the Yuan Shi Tong Dian and tried to avoid and kick. Although the thermometer showed that the baby has a high fever of 38.4 degrees, but while applying the Yuan Shi Dian methods to treat, the baby was still in good spirit and stamina. He continued to play and have fun with his Dad. He wasn't looked like a sick baby. A day later, my baby has completely recovered. From this experience, I have learned that, more Heat Energy will be expended when one is sick. Even having high fever, one has to be continously replenished Heat Sources to prevent Heat Energy Deficiency, to allow our body to self recover. Most importantly, parents should have knowledge about Yuan Shi Dian and to implement the Yuan Shi Dian methods with perseverance. I hope that case study of my baby will encourage more parents to learn Yuan Shi Dian. Do not panic when our baby is sick, We can treat our baby with the simplest and most effective Yuan Shi Dian methods.

I took my 7-month-old baby to the swimming pool.

Later, I showered him with cold water.

After the shower,

I let my baby basking under the sun.

Upon reaching home,

I found that my baby started to have high fever up to 38.4 degree Celsius

My baby was born from a vegetarianism pregnancy.

He was a "Yuan Shi Dian baby" as well

because during my pregnancy,

I implemented Yuan Shi Dian methods everyday,

such as drinking ginger soup, sleeping on electric blankets,  Antui and so forth.

This was the first time my baby got sick. 

My husband and I have learned Yuan Shi Dian.

We used to be the volunteers of C.C.H. Yuan Shi Dian Malaysia Organisation.

So, we decided to use the Yuan Shi Dian methods to treat our baby.

We didn't seek for Western medicine treatment

and our baby didn't take any Western medicine.

小叶宝宝发高烧(马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever Case (Malaysia)

My neighbour continued to persuade my mother-in-law

to seek Western medicine treatment to avoid damage of the baby's brain.

Fortunately, my mother-in-law has no objection 

for us to apply the Yuan Shi Dian methods to treat our baby.

In fact, before my baby having high fever,

I have started to boil ginger soup using about 20-30 grams of dried ginger slices every day

and let my baby drank it.

I would use the milk bottle or spoon to feed my baby with ginger soup

and each feeding was about 20 – 30 ml.

My baby did not resist

in fact love it

and not afraid of spicy either.

Occasionally, I let my baby drank a little ginseng soup.

When my baby sleeps in the cradle,

I will place the heat pack on him.

If sleeping on the bed,

I will let him sleep on electric blanket

to continuously Wenfu for him.

In fact, ever since the baby was born,

he has been sleeping on the electric blanket every night.

After Wenfu, my baby will perspire,

I will then change his clothes

to ensure that he will not catch cold.

Such a good baby. He did not cry even though he was sick,

He rested well.

I Antui his entire body,

he would cry whenever we happened to Antui the Yuan Shi Tong Dian

and tried to avoid and kick.

Although the thermometer showed that the baby has a high fever of 38.4 degrees,

but while applying the Yuan Shi Dian methods to treat,

the baby was still in good spirit and stamina. 

He continued to play and have fun with his Dad.

He wasn't looked like a sick baby.

A day later, my baby has completely recovered.

From this experience,

I have learned that,

more Heat Energy will be expended when one is sick.

Even having high fever,

one has to be continously replenished Heat Sources to prevent Heat Energy Deficiency,

to allow our body to self recover.

Most importantly, parents should have knowledge about Yuan Shi Dian

and to implement the Yuan Shi Dian methods with perseverance.

I hope that case study of my baby 

will encourage more parents to learn Yuan Shi Dian. 

Do not panic when our baby is sick,

We can treat our baby with the simplest and most effective Yuan Shi Dian methods.

CCH YSD Malaysia

 ~ 原始点受益者新年祝福视频 - 小叶宝宝发高烧案例(马来西亚)~ 后续追踪~ ~ 我还活着系列~

小叶宝宝发高烧案例 -
~ Chinese New Year Greeting from Yuan Shi Dian Beneficiary - Baby High Fever Case - Malaysia ~ case study follow-up ~ ~ I am still alive series ~
Baby High Fever Case - Malaysia
Previous posts:


小叶宝宝发高烧(马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever Case (Malaysia)

小叶宝宝发高烧(马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever Case (Malaysia)









小叶宝宝发高烧(马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever Case (Malaysia)





小叶宝宝发高烧(马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever Case (Malaysia)








小叶宝宝发高烧(马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever Case (Malaysia)

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小叶宝宝发高烧(马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever Case (Malaysia)








小叶宝宝发高烧(马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever Case (Malaysia)







小叶宝宝发高烧(马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever Case (Malaysia)


首期危重病养生营案例回顾之  20年痛经、头身多处痛及肝肿瘤












小叶宝宝发高烧(马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever Case (Malaysia)

小叶宝宝发高烧(马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever Case (Malaysia)

小叶宝宝发高烧(马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever Case (Malaysia)

小叶宝宝发高烧(马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever Case (Malaysia)

小叶宝宝发高烧(马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever Case (Malaysia)

原文始发于微信公众号(普救非药物自然疗法):小叶宝宝发高烧(马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever Case (Malaysia)

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七不”种植是明安农业、明德CSA生态姜园首创的良心生态农业种植理念。七不是指:不用化肥、不用农药、不用农膜、不用除草剂、不用添加剂、不用转基因、不杀生! 生姜养生不杀生,是符合戒杀生以惜物命,慎剪伐以养天和的自然之道。

